If once upon a time could start now...what would it look like? A silly question? I don’t think so.
If you don’t have a clear picture in your mind of what you want to achieve, you have very little chance of ever living out that dream. Call it “imagery”, “self-hypnosis” or the “power of positive thinking” the label does not mean anything. Whether you do it or not means everything.
Napoleon Hill in his classic Think and Grow Rich had it right; "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve". Don’t get me wrong. You need a business plan. You need skills. You need resources. You need drive. But all of that is wasted if you can not clearly see in your head exactly what success looks like. Visualize it and believe it with all your passion is the ticket. That is how you will achieve your goals.
Michelangelo said that he saw the finished statue in side the block of marble and all he did was to remove what did not belong. Simple really. If you can clearly see your goal. Impossible if you can’t.
You have the opportunity to achieve your goals, To reinvent yourself. To create. To do anything you really want to do. Start by answering the question: If once upon a time could start now...what would it look like?
There are 28,000,000 businesses in America. About 26 million are considered small business. Those of us in small business employ about half of all the workers in this country yet we get very little respect, and very little help with issues concerning our businesses, which by the way we do not think of as "small" since for most of us it is our entire investment portfolio and how we feed ourselves and our families. This blog is about sharing tips, techniques and talk about our businesses.
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