How about clowns, snakes or things that go bump in the night? OK, I realize that most people are not afraid of cotton balls, but if you are one of those who are, then your fear is real. That person’s fear of cotton balls is just as real as someone else being terrified of spiders. So what is your fear(s) when it comes to your business?
Maybe it is public speaking, or maybe you are not comfortable in social settings like networking events. Just know that you are not alone. Most of us find that we must overcome our fears if we want to be successful in business. Behaviorist talk about adaptive verse nature style and it often shows up on DISC profiles in CEOs.
Last week was the 25th anniversary of our business and as such caused a moment to pause and reflect on the journey. One of the most profound bits of self-realization was that I have overcome (OK, well maybe “come to terms with” is more accurate) many of my personal fears. I still don’t like public speaking, but I do it all the time. I still feel uneasy at first in new groups but by using learned techniques I have found a way to be effective.
The bottom line here and the point of this month’s “Talk” article is we must face our fears if we want to be effective in business. It does not happen all at once but you can gain control of the fears that have up to now had so much influence on your growth and productivity. There is help out there such as Toastmasters for fear of public speaking and there are other such resources and support groups for other business related fears. But the first step starts with the desire and courage to face your fears.
Take a moment now and make a list of your fears. Be real, be honest. Then next to each fear write the date when you want to be free from each.
You my friend are now on your way to being a better leader, more effective businessperson and a much happier human being.
Happy Halloween!
Michael Sawitz, CEO
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